
由山胡桃青年专业人士认可, 五名勒努瓦-雷恩学院的校友入选了今年的“40岁以下十大精英”榜单. LR收件人包括:亚历克西斯·阿伯内西' 13, 卡梅隆·莫尼,06年, 詹姆斯·弗莱,13岁, Juan E Ramirez, 2007年, 塞缪尔·约翰逊18岁.

Recipients of the award are selected based on their involvement in the community and leadership in community activities in addition to excelling in their career.


Abernathy目前担任第一地平线银行(First Horizon Bank)的银行中心二级经理和副总裁. 在她的角色中, 她致力于增加分支机构的收入, 消费和商业贷款, 财政部, 管理, 培训和指导新员工. In 2021, she was named a recipient of the 2021 Million Dollar Club Award with First Horizon and was also a part of the 2022 Graduating Class of 领导 Catawba through The Chamber of Catawba County.

阿伯纳西是山核桃土生土长的人,喜欢在社区里活动. 她担任领导职务,包括在美景中学担任啦啦队教练, 在山胡桃公园和娱乐中心指导小联盟球队, 在晨星浸信会教堂唱诗班唱歌. 在她的教堂, 她还担任过总统, 副总统, 财务主管, 秘书, 青少年接待处, 现在是青年宣教计划的青年顾问.

作为卡托巴县领导咨询委员会成员卡托巴商会, 她帮助计划即将到来的队列的议程. 作为组织内ARG小组的成员, 她能够通过志愿服务安全港来回馈社会, 红沙工程, 地方走, 学校供应活动, 和更多的.

“我一直在主导我生命中的大部分时间, 但是参加领导力卡托巴帮助我提高了我的领导能力,艾伯纳西分享道, 山核桃高中的毕业生. “我有一个长期的计划,继续成为一名领导者,并进一步发展我的银行业职业生涯, 继续发展我的组织, 最后成为该组织的银行主管.”


莫尼是David E. 电影 & 公司,公司. -她在那里提供会计服务, 税, 并对公司进行审计监督, 管理所有财务职能,确保现金得到适当的监督和控制. 另外, 她监督开发公司的所有财务方面, 德科合作伙伴, 有限责任公司, 以及其他各种房地产实体. 此前,她曾在Davidson, Holland, Whitesell, cpa和Martin Starnes工作 & 协会注册会计师.

作为志愿者, 莫尼是山胡桃艺术博物馆的秘书和财务主管, 勒努瓦-雷恩商业委员会主席, 卡托巴县商会董事会, 他是勒努瓦-雷恩熊俱乐部和LRU主席协会的成员.

“The difference in leading a corporate group and a nonprofit is that the employees of a nonprofit are incentivized by their passion for work. I knew coming into the role with the Hickory Museum of Art that I would need to understand that passion and the goal, 同时尽量将预算最大化,保持支出在合理范围内,莫尼分享道. “我认为,在任何组织中,高尚的领导力都在于倾听, 理解, 尊重你所领导的团队. 我做每件事的目标都是尽我所能去做. I think that to do that you have to understand what goal your team or organization is trying to accomplish.”


Frye serves as the principal at Claremont Elementary School where he is responsible for setting the shared mission, 共同的愿景, and collective commitments of the school to the community to ensure the greatest amount of growth and success possible. He is currently in his fourth year as principal and previously served as a middle school assistant principal and STEM coordinator, 教学技术和公共信息官员, 高中英语老师, 都是为Newton-Conover市学校准备的.

In 2015, he was named an Association for Supervision and Curriculum (ASCD) International Emerging Leader in 2015 and has served as a board member for the North Carolina association for seven years. He was honored by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction as one of two principals in the state who were featured as Promising Practices for School 领导 for the work that was done at Claremont Elementary School. Frye is a graduate of the North Carolina School Superintendent Association’s Aspiring Superintendent Program and is a Ph.D. 肯塔基大学教育领导系的候选人.

Frye is a board member of the North Carolina Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development, 2019冠状病毒病教学应对国家工作队成员, 北卡罗来纳大学公共教学系, 在国家咨询委员会任职, 北卡罗来纳州教学研究员计划, 金字塔模型领导团队, 卡托巴县学校战略规划委员会, 他是董事长兼董事会成员, 北卡罗来纳州#NCed聊天. He also serves on the Home Base Advisory Committee for the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction and is an International Emerging Leader with the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

“在领导, 全球网赌十大网站经常谈论全球网赌十大网站的“为什么”以及了解全球网赌十大网站的“为什么”的重要性, but not often do we actually talk about why ‘knowing our why’ is so important when working with people. 伟大的领导者是由内而外的沟通, 从沟通他们的原因, 他们如何, 最后是什么,弗莱分享道。. “在2021-22学年, 尽管COVID-19大流行给全球网赌十大网站的教师带来了逆境, 学生, 工作人员, 和社区, 克莱蒙特小学是卡托巴县去年增长第三高的小学, with the third highest free and reduced lunch rate in the district — this happened because 工作人员 believed in the vision and continued with it despite the adversities COVID presented. 这项工作背后的原因仍然很重要,足以让人为这项工作而战. 我坚信,随着任何变化, 领导者必须赋予员工权力, 引导他们, 信任他们, 在改变中爱他们——但不要放弃你对学生的共同使命. 这就是我在克莱蒙特小学工作的目标.”

Juan E Ramirez, 2007年

Ramirez serves as a statewide Spanish 服务 Representative for the College Foundation of North Carolina, 特别是在CFNC En Español团队的领导下. 最近, 作为两人小组的一员, he worked on a special project intern to promote access and outreach for Spanish-speaking 学生, 家庭, 以及那些在规划中支持他们的人, 应用, 支付, 为上大学存钱. 拉米雷斯的一大成就是制作CFNC.org以西班牙语访问,因为这是一项艰巨的任务,但它有助于整个社区.

He started his community outreach early – first as a volunteer at the Centro Latino of Hickory to learn English, 担任冲突解决中心的调解人, 进入零售银行业, 后来又转到教育领域, 曾在勒努瓦-雷恩大学担任转学和成人学习顾问. He then became Educational 外展 Program Manager at Appalachian State University (Hickory and Caldwell campuses) and has since moved into his current role as Statewide Representative for Spanish 服务.

拉米雷斯目前是LatinxEd的董事会成员, a statewide nonprofit that has a mission to invest in Latinx leadership and expand educational equity and opportunity in North Carolina. He is a current member of the executive board for the Hickory Public Schools Education Foundation, 他曾在冲突解决中心的执行委员会任职, was a member of the founding group of the Multicultural Office at LR and was a founding adviser of the Transfer Student Association at LR.

“当我想到社区, 我想到了我的朋友们, 我的家人, 我的兄弟们, 姐妹, 侄子, 以及全球网赌十大网站社区的未来. If we don’t take the time to invest in their success … what will our community look like in the future?他分享道. “Hickory has been an incredible place for me to grow and learn and even with every opportunity given to me to move elsewhere, 我故意决定这里是我的家. 一个即使我并不总是感到受欢迎的地方, 或庆祝, I can be a catalyst for change to present the incredible contributions that our community brings to the different spaces. 从全球网赌十大网站的语言中, 文化, 食物, 生活经验, 我是搭建全球网赌十大网站文化合作桥梁的解决方案的一部分, 连接, 和庆祝.”


Johnson is the Finance Supervisor for CommScope’s global Network Cable business with primary 操作 in Catawba County, 威尔士, 和捷克共和国. 在这个角色中, 他从财务角度监督所有的运营改进和上市计划. 配合产品线管理, 操作, 销售, 还有供应链, 他预测销售额, 利润率, 成本, 和息税前利润, 以及实现对话和更改, 根据需要. 另外, he manages and supports the Key Account Manager team that sells to the 10 largest customers in North America and is the site leader for the RISE program. RISE代表关系, 灵感, 成功, 和赋权, and is a networking and mentoring organization within CommScope for young and early career employees. 通过增加, 他负责协调辅导项目, 集体活动, 以及为Hickory地区的员工与高管进行领导对话. 他还与三名刚入职不久的员工一对一会面,并对他们进行指导, as well as helps coach them through projects and activities they need assistance with at the organization.

Johnson从LR毕业后加入康普,担任超大规模的销售财务主管, 云, 和多租户数据中心团队, 价值超过2.5亿美元的生意, 1000多万美元的开支预算, 还有一个30人的卖家团队. Eighteen months after starting with CommScope he was asked to take on an additional team of 15 more sellers. 通过持续的过程改进, 改进报告和透明度, 细致的预算管理, he was asked to move to the service provider business (a $2B business) and apply the same methods and improvements to it. 因为他以做事和解决问题著称, he was able to move into his current role a year later to do the same thing for global Network Cable business.

在他空闲的时候, 约翰逊在基督教堂财务团队担任副主席, 基督教堂学生事工, 基督教堂儿童事工, 基督教堂个人理财指导团队, 基督教会普通牧师, and on the board of directors for The Foundry House — a house in Statesville for men in recovery to live together and provide mutual support in a Christ-centered environment. 他还在林肯顿的珍珠浸信会教堂帮助儿童和学生事工, 角落的桌子, 赛普斯果园之家和救世军.

“我出生在这个社区,并在这里生活了一辈子. 我有好几次机会离开这里去上大学或工作,但总有什么东西把我留在了这里. 我现在相信,这是人民、文化和社区在做的。. “我相信,这个领域最好的还在后头, 我非常想成为即将到来的伟大的一小部分. 无论是在工作中,还是在教堂和社区的工作中, 我致力于让卡托巴和周边的县成为最好的.”

获奖者将在11月11日(周四)的晚宴上得到表彰. 17.


25岁的梅拉尼·莫拉(梅勒妮莫拉)计划去韩国留学一年多了. 现在是美国.S. 国务院支持她通过本杰明·A. 吉尔曼国际奖学金.


