

A person sits at a computer that is displaying a robot on the screen

一种自动机器人真空吸尘器, video calls with friends and another with your boss, smart homes with endless capabilities and wearable technology.

What sounds like today’s norm is the thing of TV cartoons past.

《全球网赌十大网站》动画片, 最初在20世纪60年代播出, 展示了一个四口之家, 还有他们的机器狗, 以及他们如何使用人工智能(AI)工具使他们的日常任务和生活变得更简单.

跳到2024年, and we are engaging with AI tools as part of our daily lives to accomplish the same goals. We are remotely controlling the lights in our homes, tracking our heart rates and sleep patterns from a watch, 让语音助手回答简单的问题,使用导航工具帮助全球网赌十大网站处理交通.

在去年, 生成式人工智能的流行, which utilizes data sets to create originally generated content in the forms of text, 图片, 音频也显著增加. 最受欢迎和经常被谈论的人工智能程序是ChatGPT——一个利用基础大型语言模型的人工智能聊天机器人工具, 比如GPT-4, 这会产生对话.

“每个人都在谈论ChatGPT,这是有充分理由的——它重新定义了人工智能的标准,并展示了机器如何学习人类语言的复杂性,并通过聊天机器人与你交流. 与聊天机器人交流的体验与全球网赌十大网站通过短信与朋友聊天没有什么不同,什维塔Kailani说, M.S., 工商管理硕士, director for the Center of Teaching and Learning, who was an early adoptor of the technology in 2022. “我对与高等教育相关的技术和创新充满热情,所以我不得不看着这个新平台并提出疑问, “这是一种时尚吗?? 它会一直存在吗, to become a part of our daily lives and be ubiquitous and accessible to all?’”



“人工智能执行与人类思维相关的认知功能的能力正在不断扩大——从对内容的感知, 学习和调整的能力, 解决问题和创造力. 当全球网赌十大网站谈论人工智能和它能做什么的时候,每个人都认为这是未来——但未来就在现在,就在这里,比雅恩·伯格说, Ph.D., 数学和计算机科学教授, who is an internationally recognized expert in business intelligence. 他说:“全球网赌十大网站看到了一些技术的进步,人们认为这些技术还需要几年的时间才能实现,而实际上这些技术现在正在发生并投入使用. 例如, when you go on Netflix and are looking for a particular movie, 但不知道演员和片名, the meta tags are not giving you the result you want. But Google is working on an image search within the movies themselves. So, 你说, “给我看所有有一个穿黑裙子的女人在香蕉皮上滑倒的电影”,然后所有出现这种情况的电影都出现. The search is occurring within the movies themselves and not just how they are tagged.”

Bjarne Berg teaching in front of a screen in a classroom
Bjarne Berg博士.D.

每部电影都可以引用一个细节或一个特定的场景,这让人难以置信. However, according to Berg, it is real and happening.

1996年,当全球网赌十大网站第一次拥有搜索整个互联网的搜索引擎时,人们就是这么说的. 想想今天, you search the whole Internet at sub-second speed, everything that's ever been written by billions of people, 全球网赌十大网站认为这是理所当然的,”贝格说。.

What other Jetsons-style imaging technologies are also on the horizon? According to Berg it is a blend between video gaming and movies.

“Today, video gaming generates more revenue than movies in the U.S. And most of the things that you see in the video game, 比如不活动的背景角色, 人们突然出现, or buildings and frames — instead of game designers having to draw everything out, they're using AI to create randomization within the game,”贝格说。.


If you play the game five times, it may be slightly different every time. A building might have changed in height or color; the person walking across the street might be a woman in a red dress and then next time is a man in a black suit.

“In gaming, the game is no longer designed, it is probabilistic. We're basically saying that every time you play the game it'll be slightly different, 因此它会让你保持兴趣. 你甚至都没有注意到. A lot of times people play the game five times, 他们没有注意到很多背景和非演员都是生成的,并且是不断变化的,”贝格说。.

皮克斯(Pixar)和梦工厂(DreamWorks)等电影制片厂正在制作电影,这些电影还会生成内容,让你可能会每次看15遍自己喜欢的电影, 有一点不同.

“In a computer-generated movie, you can do a random assignment. This character could either walk across the street; he can attack you; he can jump a tall building; he can bite you. And there's all these behaviors you can assign and randomly pick one every time. So even the people who made the movie have no idea how it's going to end. So instead of having a movie that today is curated, 减少, 编辑, 而且总是固定在同一部电影里, 它每次都变得新鲜,”贝格说。. 换句话说, 你可能愿意看同一部电影, 30, 40, 50 times because you don't really know how it's going to end, 而且每次都在变. 那不是很酷吗?”

作为一种视觉叙事形式, these evolving forms of AI are generating headlines that could write themselves.

“The attractiveness of these AI programs that can do everything — be the writer, 编辑器, 一个事实的管理者,这是令人兴奋的,凯拉尼说, 他在校园里为希望更多地了解生成式人工智能以及如何将其融入课堂的教师举办了多次研讨会. “总的来说,人工智能可以发挥重要作用, especially when it comes to things relating to time efficiency. 例如, 如果我是一名学生,正在写一篇论文或研究论文,需要写作中心的帮助,以获得写作风格的指导, 语法, 句子结构或组织, I need to wait till the next day when I can make an appointment with them to seek help. 但这里有生成式人工智能, 你可以让它帮你校对, 和繁荣, 你会得到一个相当不错的回应, 这再一次, you have to still go back and check behind it — but it does the bulk of the heavy lifting.”


随着人工智能不断取得令人难以置信的技术突破,它们也带来了挑战和问题. ChatGPT版本3的知识库.5, the free version most accessible to Internet users, is limited to information shared in 2021 and before, 它经常会提供不准确或虚假的信息,这些信息听起来不仅可信,而且是真实的.

“Say you ask the platform to tell you about the medical standards for a colonoscopy. It will share what it believes is the most up-to-date and populated answer,凯拉尼说. “但标准在去年改变了,你无法访问,因为它是在付费版本4的付费墙后面.”

什维塔Kailani, m.s.S., 工商管理硕士

As digital citizens consuming information through these platforms, 事实和生成的人工智能幻觉之间的区别是必要的,因为信息被整齐地打包给用户, making it hard to detect the misinformation or assumptions that the tool has created.

“If I go into the program and ask it to write me a story about Dr. 勒努瓦-雷恩大学的Bjarne Berg说, 它将首先从互联网上提取所有可用的信息并从中进行编译. Having done this exercise in class, it crafted the following: Dr. Berg started his career in computer science — and right there it got it wrong. 我没有计算机科学的学位, but given the frequency of my name being associated with computer science, 当我在海军开始我的职业生涯时,它自动认为我有这个领域的学位,”贝格说。. 

这些生成工具的主要目标是将大量的内容和数据浓缩成有用的响应. The accuracy of the information generated is a secondary goal.

“AI generated tools are a great place to start when it comes to compiling data, 文本和信息——但你不能把它们都当成事实——就像我对学位的幻觉一样, 它只是把找到的信息拼凑在一起,”贝格说。. “所以负担就落在了用户身上, 对于全球网赌十大网站的学生来说, to do the extra legwork to ensure the content they asked to be generated is factual. But also — computer generated content does not care about being polite, 种族主义, 性别歧视或使用不恰当的语言. Since AI is learning as we code and teach it, it is going to discriminate.”

As more faculty are implanting the use of AI into their courses, students are expected to cite AI as a source — just as you would any other website, 日记或书.

“作为教育工作者,全球网赌十大网站有责任教育学生如何以合乎道德的方式使用人工智能工具——全球网赌十大网站的教学方式合乎道德, 全球网赌十大网站如何将其用于研究, 全球网赌十大网站的学生如何使用它并确保学术诚信,凯拉尼分享道. “全球网赌十大网站鼓励学生运用批判性思维评估技能来找出弱点——它遗漏了什么? 在回应中是否存在偏见? 人工智能生成的文本通常有偏见,不会从多个角度看待一个主题或提示. 通常, 它提供了一个非常肤浅的主题概述,并没有涵盖所有的观点或深入的主题/文本的批判性分析.”

As a senior computer science and cybersecurity major, Ringo Nguyen ’24 has familiarized himself with many AI platforms including ChatGPT, 谷歌的Gemini和微软的Copilot.

“Generative AI is a trend that is not going away anytime soon, so it is important to have a working knowledge of multiple platforms,Nguyen分享道。. “As we familiarize ourselves with new and emerging tools, 全球网赌十大网站需要把它们视为一个需要核实事实的来源,作为补充——而不是唯一的答案.”


“使用新技术总是有利有弊,尤其是那些流行的技术. 但是,深入了解这些技术将为您提供大量的知识,并最终使您受益. 以开放的心态拥抱创新,将使你在当今瞬息万变的世界中适应并茁壮成长.阮说。. “These technologies and tools were created for human beings by human beings. So, at the end of the day, we are creating a future benefiting everyone.”