
查尔斯·“朗尼”·福克斯三世一直对研究野生动物很感兴趣, 还有勒努瓦-雷恩, 他有机会将这种兴趣投入到这个领域, 作为一名实地研究人员和环保人士积累经验.


“没有一门课程是专门针对野外观察的, 所以这是我必须自学的东西,小狐说. "Dr. (卡莉)约克给了我她在研究中使用的直方图, 我根据自己的需要改编了一个, 哪个更迎合动物行为. 他们在四处走动吗?, 吃, 头点了点头, 身体摇晃, 任何配置的嘴唇, 任何不寻常的事情?"

福克斯研究了一只黑猩猩, 肯德尔, who had appeared on "The Oprah Winfrey Show" and participated in Pepsi's Play for a Billion contest, 但现在生活在北卡罗来纳州动物园.

He recently spoke with a Harvard professor in the organismic and evolutionary biology program who is changing the focus of his research toward great apes and was interested in Fox's experience with chimpanzees in Asheboro.

一个21岁的斯泰茨维尔人, 北卡罗来纳本地人, 福克斯正在努力完成他的生物学专业学位. 他说,他的最终目标是继续他的研究,同时攻读更高的学位.

按计划,他将在3月份向北卡罗来纳州科学院提交他的研究结果, the undergraduate research event—Symposium on University 研究 and Creative Expression (SOURCE)—on campus, in addition to presenting his research to the North Carolina Zoo to help them provide a higher standard of care for the chimpanzees on exhibit.


Dorien Dickey turned an encounter at a job fair sponsored by the campus career center into an internship opportunity that provided him with experience and new skills.

“ING Source也参加了招聘会,”他说. “招聘会结束后,我一直和他们保持联系. I was persistent as I would show up at the ING Source office rather than emailing or calling. I found out that having a face-to-face conversation is the best form of communication when possible."

ING Source is a Hickory-based company that develops compression sleeves and support products for injuries commonly suffered in athletics.

使用ING Source, 迪基担任市场营销实习生,撰写全球赌博十大网站稿, 直接与客户合作项目, 学习体育产业中营销和社交媒体的来龙去脉.

“在ING Source的经历非常出色,”他表示. “我与OS1st品牌合作, 即使我是实习生,我也受到了极大的尊重. 我被赋予了在项目中发挥自己的灵活性, and I feel like I helped them as much as they helped me because I was their first-ever intern."

在LR时, 迪基是NCAA苹果训练学院的学生领袖, 迎新领导, 校报记者, 也是欧米茄兄弟会的分会主席.


雅思敏·阿雷瓦洛(Yasmine Arevalo)不必离开校园就能为她想要的职业积累经验.

The senior business management and entrepreneurship major interned at The Alex Lee Career and Professional Development Center at Lenoir-Rhyne.

“太棒了,我学到了很多东西,”这位山核桃本地人说. "I was under time pressure because one of my main projects was to organize the fall Etiquette and Networking Dinner that was held here at LR. ... 我还负责餐饮和选择饭菜, 以及帮助梅根·斯皮维(LR校友), 谁是全球网赌十大网站的礼仪讲师."

一个自称内向的人, 阿雷瓦洛希望有一天能在人力资源部门工作, 她觉得这次经历会帮助她实现这个目标.

“我在实习期间做的很多事情都让我走出了自己的舒适区, 这让我很担心吗,她说. "I want to be in (human resources) and a huge part of that is being able to talk to employees and a bunch of people.

"The whole reason for this internship is to start becoming comfortable with the uncomfortable and that's what I did."


Sophia Aguilar sought an enriching and challenging environment when she chose to attend Lenoir-Rhyne, 她找到了她要找的东西.

一名来自委内瑞拉的国际学生, She is a senior double majoring in international business and marketing; and a member of the women's tennis team

在商业领域, she's challenged herself with an internship with a supermarket chain headquartered in Panama City, 巴拿马叫Orgánica, 哪家有机产品能促进更健康的生活方式. 她还曾在Merchants Distributors Inc .实习., 向杂货店批发食品和非食品的批发商, 总部在山核桃市.

"I learned a variety of different skills that I can now feel confident about and trust,她说. "I had the opportunity to explore areas of digital marketing that I had no knowledge about, 特别是在食品杂货行业.

"Today, I have more of a shaped vision on what I want to do in my future professional career. 我经历过不同层次的市场营销, 都有着非常相似的目标, 这使我能够从国际商业的角度来看待它."

在LR工作期间,Aguilar还参与了Charles M. 斯奈普斯商业与经济学院荣誉项目, in addition to serving as an assistant in the information technology department and as a social media ambassador for marketing communications.


莎莉·斯帕克斯(Shalee Sparks)的实习经历让她得到了一份工作.

2019年12月毕业生, Sparks first interned with the Hickory Young Professionals in fall of 2018 before taking an internship with the communications department for the City of Hickory.

斯帕克斯说:“从第一天起,我就像一名员工一样参与了所有事情. “真正, I learned more from my supervisors and the internship than I ever could have from a classroom. 他们允许我承担一些项目,比如组织活动, 为不同的事件表和代表城市, 撰写媒体全球赌博十大网站稿, 撰写社交媒体活动, 参加会议."

实习结束后, the City of Hickory offered Sparks a year-long position to help organize and promote the city's sesquicentennial celebration, 还有其他项目.

斯帕克斯说:“虽然我的专业不是传播学. "I feel that the things I've learned and experienced in my internship not only aided in a better understanding of what I learned in my undergraduate program, but have also given me the opportunity to learn a whole different skill set on top of my degree and helped me discover that I truly enjoy working in a local government field."


在校园里, 她还参与了校园活动委员会,并担任了一届主席, as well as serving two years on Homecoming Committee as events chair and then committee captain. 她还参加了校园联谊会.



As a member of the two-time South Atlantic Conference champion football team; and a thrower for the men's track and field team, 美洛蒂•碧来自北卡罗来纳摩根顿的, 这位北卡罗来纳州人已经见证了他的胜利.

He's taken that winning mentality into the business sector as an intern with Transportation Insight in Hickory.

他说:“我是他们第一个负责客户开发的实习生。. “我进去为LR未来的实习生创建了一个项目, making cold calls and sending out emails to potential clients to set up meaningful interactions."

Sigmon – a double major in business finance and entrepreneurship -- interned over the summer, 但《全球网赌十大网站》对他的工作非常满意, they brought him back as a temporary employee over Christmas break and are saving a position for him for after he graduates – next year.

交通洞察还让他与布莱顿的灰质交易所取得了联系, 密歇根, who brought him on board as a part-time representative to develop client relationships in the Southeast.

“我在Transportation Insight的经历非常出色,”他说. “那里的每个人都接受我在公司里的角色. 不管情况如何,他们都愿意帮忙."

西格蒙的实习工作是由西格蒙博士安排的. 杰米·康拉德,体验式学习和拓展协调员.


The troupe will present an examination of democracy with "What the Constitution Means to Me" in 9月, 随后是10月和11月上映的《全球赌博十大网站》(the adams Family).


Lenoir-Rhyne is seeking input from the entire college community as it begins its search for a new president. 这所大学将举办一系列的听力会议,学生们, faculty and staff can share their thoughts and priorities for the future of the institution.
