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LR's tuition reset reduces tuition by 30 percent from $43,000 to $30,000 beginning in fall 2023.


勒努瓦-雷恩大学今天宣布学费减免30%. 13美元,公布的学费从43美元下降了000美元,000 to $30,000 -将适用于所有新的和返回, 全日制本科生,从2023年秋季开始 (2024年秋季学费为3.1万美元).

“We know students and their families are concerned about rising costs of higher education and inflation,”医生说。. 弗雷德·惠特,大学校长. “We think this significant reduction in our tuition will help more families understand that an LR education is affordable and offers incredible value.”

The tuition reset will bring the published tuition price closer to what students actually pay after scholarships. 学生的净价格可能会通过联邦政府进一步降低, 国家和机构财政援助. 今年, 100%的本科生将获得某种程度的助学金或基于成绩的助学金, 该大学将提供超过3800万美元的奖学金和经济援助.

新学费将于2023-24学年开始生效. 而学费将减少30%, 食宿费用将保持不变, 就像过去三年一样. 每个学生还将支付每学期450美元的费用, which will be used to pay for enhanced student services such as faster Wi-Fi in the residence halls and expanded mental health and medical health services on all three campus locations.

The LR Promise, which offers 50 percent off tuition for eligible students will remain in effect. Financial aid and scholarship packages for returning students will be adjusted so that they will pay close to the same net tuition they are paying now. 学生 also will save money over their time at LR as future tuition increases will be based on the reset rate.

“We know that our published tuition turns some prospective students and families away before they ever discover how affordable an LR education can be,玛德琳·达索说, 董事会主席. “Lowering our tuition makes a strong statement that we want students from all backgrounds to consider LR.”


这是LR激动人心的时刻, 在过去的一年里,该公司推出了一系列新的举措和变革, 这一切都与它的战略计划有关. The university has added five new high-demand majors; reorganized its admission offices, student life and academic affairs to better serve students; unveiled new partnerships with local community colleges; refinanced university bonds; and improved or renovated facilities. 除了, LR在2021-22年创下了筹资纪录, 展示了LR社区对大学发展方向的信心.


  • 为什么勒努瓦-莱恩要重置学费?

    We have heard from students and their families that our published tuition is so high that some students won’t even consider LR—even though we offer large discounts that make it far more affordable.

    This tuition reset makes it clear that we want students of all backgrounds to consider us and find out what a special community this is. 新, lower tuition will make us competitive with other private and public institutions in our region and encourage more students and their families to explore LR.

    此外,随着时间的推移,新的低学费将为学生节省资金. Future annual tuition increases will be on a lower base so the dollar increase will be smaller.

  • 勒努瓦-雷恩学校为什么要重新设置学费?

    勒努瓦-雷恩大学宣布学费减免30%. 13美元,公布的学费从43美元下降了000美元,000 to $30,000-将适用于2023年秋季开始的所有新生和返回的本科生.

  • 学费重置会影响食宿费吗?

    除了 to lowering tuition by 30 percent, 食宿 for fall 2023 will not increase. 食宿费用三年来没有增加. 2023-24学年的学费为12900美元. 每学期的费用为450美元(一学年为900美元). The fee will help pay for enhanced student services like faster Wi-Fi in residence halls and expanded mental health and medical health services.

  • 劳氏承诺会否受到影响?

    The Lenoir-Rhyne Promise launched in 2020 and guarantees that eligible students receive scholarships equal to at least half the cost of tuition. 在这种新的学费模式下,LR承诺将继续下去.

    Eligible students are North Carolina residents who are first-year undergraduate students with a minimum 3.全球赌博十大网站时的高中平均成绩为5分. The LR Promise is also open to transfer undergraduate students who are transferring from an accredited North Carolina community college and have more than 30 earned credit hours from that institution and a 3.全球赌博十大网站时的平均成绩为5分.

  • 我将在2023-24学年成为一名新生或转学生. 这对我来说意味着什么?

    Tuition for full-time undergraduate students (whether first-year students or transfer students) will be $30,000. 通过联邦政府,学生的自付费用可能会进一步降低, 国家和机构的财政援助,比如勒努瓦-莱恩承诺.

    有资格获得LR承诺的学生只需支付15,000美元. 联邦财政援助将进一步降低自付费用. For students who are eligible for Pell Grants, the cost could be as low as $6,000 per year.

    今年, 100%的本科生将获得某种程度的助学金或基于成绩的助学金, 该大学将提供超过3800万美元的奖学金和经济援助. 劳氏对奖学金和经济援助的承诺将保持不变.

    此外,未来的学费增长将基于新的、更低的费率. 例如, 30美元的价格上涨了3%,000 is $900, 相比之下,43美元的价格上涨了3%,000, 也就是1美元,290.

    学生的费用总是取决于许多因素, 包括家庭收入, 学业成绩和奖学金资格. The first step for all students is to file the Free Application for Federal Student 援助 (FAFSA) for the 2023-24 academic year. 学生 and families are encouraged to contact the Office of 金融援助 to discuss their specific circumstances.

  • 我将在2023-24学年回国学习. 这对我来说意味着什么?

    LR’s financial aid and scholarship packages will be adjusted for returning students so that they will pay close to the same net tuition they are paying now. 这将为归国学生节省净额, 从历史上看,学费每年增长3%到5%.

    此外,未来的学费增长将基于新的、更低的费率. 例如, 30美元的价格上涨了3%,000 is $900, 相比之下,43美元的价格上涨了3%,000, 也就是1美元,290.

    学生的费用总是取决于许多因素, 包括家庭收入, 学业成绩和奖学金资格. The first step for all students is to file the Free Application for Federal Student 援助 (FAFSA) for the 2023-24 academic year. Financial aid packaging for returning students takes place in the spring semester after registration week is complete.

    学生 and families are encouraged to contact the Office of 金融援助 to discuss their specific circumstances.

  • 我是一名归来的学生运动员. 这对我有什么影响?

    For undergraduate student-athletes who are issued an athletic scholarship renewal for fall 2023, the athletic aid award will be adjusted down by the exact same equivalent percentage as your current award.

    有关如何计算的更多说明, the equivalency is calculated by dividing the current athletic aid award by the current direct costs of attendance (tuition, 食宿, 书). 参考下面的例子:

    2022年秋季体育援助5美元,000体育奖学金/ 56美元,700美元(包括目前43美元的学费),000, $12,900食宿, $800图书津贴)= 0.11相等


    计算总结:0.等值X $44,600美元(包括30美元的新学费),000, 900美元的费用, $12,900食宿, $800图书津贴)

  • 学费重置到底是什么?

    许多大学实行高学费/高折扣学费模式. This means that the “sticker price” for tuition is higher than what students actually pay. 然后通过奖学金为学生提供很大的折扣,以降低成本. 这种模式可能会让学生和家长感到困惑.

    通过学费重置, both tuition and scholarships are decreased so that students pay about the same but there is less discounting. The result is a lower and more accurate “sticker price” and an easier to understand financial aid model.

  • 我是一名兼职本科生. 这对我有什么影响?

    非全日制学生按学时收费. 每学时的费用将维持在1660美元.

  • 我是一个研究生. 这对我有影响吗?

    学费重置只适用于本科学费. 研究生课程的学费正在审查中,将于今年秋季晚些时候确定.

  • 我还有问题要问. 我该联系谁??

    当前的, returning or prospective students with questions about their personal financial aid package should contact the Office of 金融援助.

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