Leadership, friendship & community

Fraternity & Sorority Life

兄弟会和姐妹会培养领导力, 为会员提供学术支持, promote friendship, host social activities and community service events and encourage philanthropic contributions.

Students develop a strong sense of belonging to their organization and loyalty to LR through the fraternity and sorority community. 会籍是终身的,校友活动也很多.

In a past academic year, 兄弟会和姐妹会生活(FSL)的成员筹集了超过14美元,为当地和国家的慈善事业捐赠了2000多万美元,并完成了2000多万美元的捐赠,000 hours of community service.

一旦学生加入了姐妹会或兄弟会, they have opportunities for leadership development through programs such as President’s Roundtable Academy, and community service. At the end of each year, LR celebrates all the FSL organizations by coming together for the annual Ellis Boatman Greek Awards.

Join a Sorority Join a Fraternity

Organizations, Programs & Policies

Fraternity and sorority life supports individual growth by enhancing the university experience. Organizations promote a sense of belonging and lasting relationships while instilling important values. 这些努力的参与者注重领导力, philanthropy, 以及卓越的学术成就来支持校园和当地社区.

For information about an individual chapter, please contact the fraternity and sorority life advisor.

  • Sororities

    Delta Zeta
    1902年10月在迈阿密大学校园内成立, Delta Zeta现在拥有超过254名会员,700名女性拥有一个共同的目标:充实地领导, meaningful and rewarding lives.

    Kappa Delta
    The rich traditions of Kappa Delta date back to its founding in 1897 at the then State Female Normal School in Farmville, Virginia. Today, the women who wear the olive green and pearl white find themselves in a sisterhood of more than 230,000, 所有人都有着相似的理想:成为致力于社区服务的女性, active leadership, 负责任的公民和充分发挥他们的潜力.

    Zeta Phi Beta
    泽塔·菲·贝塔姐妹会于1920年在华盛顿特区霍华德大学成立.C., focusing on high academic ideals, service both in community and abroad, strength of character, and unity among its members. Part of the "Divine Nine," Zeta Phi Beta is of the nine historically African American sororities and fraternities in the United States.

    Zeta Tau Alpha
    也是在弗吉尼亚州立女子师范学校成立的, Zeta Tau Alpha has had a simple mission since its inception in 1898: To impact the lives of its members by emphasizing leadership, service, academic achievement and personal growth.

  • Fraternities

    Theta Xi
    Theta Xi is the only fraternity founded during the Civil War and enjoys a membership of more than 60,000 and promotes the mental, moral, 其成员的身心成长.

    Pi Kappa Phi
    π Kappa Phi成立于1904年,由美国查尔斯顿的三个年轻人创立.C. 谁的目标是在他们的社区中找到领导机会. Leadership in the classroom, on the athletic field, 在政治和生活的各个方面都是本组织的核心使命, 同时营造出一种强烈的兄弟情谊.

    Omega Psi Phi
    成立于华盛顿特区霍华德大学.C., Omega Psi Phi fraternity is the first international fraternal organization founded on the campus of a historically black college. 它的名字源于“友谊对灵魂至关重要”的概念,"欧米伽·普赛·菲兄弟会的成员必须遵守兄弟会的基本原则, Scholarship, Perseverance and Uplift. Omega Psi Phi也是“神九”之一," one of nine historically African American sororities and fraternities in the United States.

    Phi Beta Sigma
    Phi Beta Sigma于1914年在华盛顿特区的霍华德大学成立.C.,由三名年轻的非洲裔男学生完成. 今天,Phi Beta Sigma已经发展成为一个由领导者组成的国际组织. Members of the fraternity have been instrumental in the establishment of the Phi Beta Sigma National Foundation, Phi Beta Sigma联邦信贷联盟和Sigma Beta俱乐部基金会. Zeta Phi Beta sorority, 在Phi Beta Sigma的帮助下于1920年成立, 是兄弟会的姐妹组织吗.

    Kappa Alpha Psi
    Kappa Alpha Psi于1911年在印第安纳大学成立. Kappa Alpha Psi is the second oldest existing collegiate historically Black Greek letter fraternity and the first intercollegiate fraternity incorporated as a national body. Local chapters of Kappa Alpha Psi participate in community outreach activities to feed the homeless, 为进入大学的年轻人提供奖学金, serve as mentors to young men, participate in blood drives and serve as hosts of seminars for public health awareness to name a few.

  • Panhellenic Council

    泛希腊理事会是四个姐妹会的管理机构. Its purpose is to develop and maintain fraternity life and interchapter relations at a high level of accomplishment and in doing so:

    • Consider the goals and ideals of member groups as continually applicable to campus and personal life.
    • 提倡优秀的学术作为智力成就的基础.
    • Cooperate with member fraternities and the university administration in concern for and maintenance of high social and moral standards.
    • Act in accordance with the National Panhellenic Conference Unanimous Agreements and policies.
    • Act in accordance with such rules established by the Panhellenic Council as to not violate the sovereignty, rights, and privileges of member chapters.

    Lenoir-Rhyne University Panhellenic Council is a member of the National Panhellenic Conference.

    Panhellenic Creed

    We, 作为女性兄弟会的本科成员, stand for good scholarship, for guarding of good health, 为了保持良好的标准和服务, to the best of our ability, our college community. 合作促进兄弟会生活, in harmony with its best possibilities, 这个理想应该指导全球网赌十大网站的兄弟会活动吗. We, as fraternity women, stand for service through the development of character inspired by the close contact and deep friendship of individual fraternity and Panhellenic life. 为人类提供广泛而明智的服务的机会, through mutual respect and helpfulness, is the tenet by which we strive to live.

  • Interfraternity Council

    国际兄弟会理事会(IFC)是英国劳氏社会兄弟会的管理机构. IFC holds member chapters accountable to the ideals of fraternity membership as defined by the following basic expectations of chapters.:

    • Respect the human dignity of all persons
    • 争取学术成就,维护学术诚信
    • 尊重自己的财产和他人的财产
    • 及时履行财务和行政义务
    • 维护分会财产,确保其安全, 清洁,并处于适合其所属社区的状态
    • 不宽恕或不容忍使用非法药物或滥用酒精
    • Challenge all members to adhere to these interfraternal expectations and will confront those who are in violation of them
  • Study Hall Program

    The fraternity and sorority life experience is a co-curricular opportunity that will enrich a student’s college experience, 更好地为每个学生进入他们选择的领域并取得成功做好准备. Academic achievement and scholarship are at the forefront of the fraternity and sorority life experience.

    Fraternity and sorority organizations must treat the educational pursuits of their members as a top priority for the continued success of chapter members and the organization as a whole. It is an obligation of the fraternity or sorority to provide an environment that will be conducive and supportive of the strong academic performance of its members.

    由Lohr学习共享和学术项目赞助, governing councils installed the Study Hall Program to help incoming members establish themselves in the classroom. Each new member is required to spend six hours per week in study hall for their first semester. 如果学生的平均成绩达到2分,就不再需要参加.75 or higher.

  • Hazing Policy

    然而欺侮并不局限于希腊社团, 勒努瓦-莱恩对欺辱行为是零容忍的. LR educates all students interested and participating in Greek letter organizations about the definitions, signs, 欺侮的报告机制和后果. There are numerous online resources that also assist in educating students and aim to prevent hazing on college campuses.


  • Information for Parents

    The Greek Life community at Lenoir-Rhyne University benefits both parents and students in many ways, 包括协助学院过渡. 参加联谊会的学生有机会体验领导生活, 交一辈子的朋友,参加慈善活动. 希腊生活会员也提供学术援助, 职业和实习联系以及社交机会.


    • 帮助学生适应大学生活的支持性环境.
    • 帮助学生达成学业目标的学术资源.
    • 获得领导机会,提供实践经验.
    • 有机会积极参与社区服务项目.

    Benefits of Fraternity & Sorority Life


    • 比非希腊学生更有可能留在大学.
    • 比其他大学毕业生在经济上更成功.
    • As alums, give both more money and more frequently to their alma maters than non-Greek alumni.
    • 在校园和社区活动中更加活跃.
    • 校友们也更有可能参与志愿者和慈善组织.

    Financial Obligations

    加入兄弟会或姐妹会有一项经济承诺. 费用或会费用于国家费用、分会运营费用和社会职能. 每个章节都有不同的财务义务. New members can usually expect to pay higher dues their first semester than in subsequent ones. To prepare financially, 在加入之前一定要询问会员的财务义务.


Alston Robinson

对我来说,全球网赌十大网站中最难忘的部分是参与FSL. Being a part of Pi Kappa Phi and Order of Omega helped me form many friendships and gave me a sense of purpose.

Alston Robinson '20, MBA'22
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