Writing & Speaking Services

写作和演讲服务让您接触到关怀, supportive readers/listeners for your work in progress. 无论你是刚开始做作业还是准备编辑, 全球网赌十大网站的导师可以帮助你从观众的角度来看待你的项目.

在LR的任何课程中,全球网赌十大网站都有写作和公开演讲作业的资源和导师. We can help you with any aspect of your project: developing a thesis or support; organizing; editing; creating visual aids; vocal/physical delivery; and speech anxiety. 全球网赌十大网站的导师也准备好协助在线演示.


Writing Services


  • Understanding the assignment
  • Generating ideas to write about
  • Supporting a thesis or purpose
  • Organizing ideas
  • Editing for coherence, clarity and correctness
  • Citing sources correctly

如果你在单子上没有看到你关心的问题,让你的导师知道你在想什么. 如果您在两个以上的问题上需要帮助,您可以根据需要与全球网赌十大网站进行多次预约.

Appointments are not required, but are encouraged. 欢迎来自阿什维尔和哥伦比亚大学的学生使用通过山胡桃校区提供的虚拟服务. Please contact us at lru.writingcenter@taxidalat24h.net 828.328.7436 for questions or more information.

To make sure your session is as helpful as possible, 请在预约前通读并填写以下内容.

  • Preparing for an Online Tutoring Session

    We have two primary goals for each tutoring session:

    • 提供反馈,帮助你使你的草稿更以读者为基础,并检查它是否符合作业的要求. 全球网赌十大网站希望你在结束你的会议时知道接下来需要做什么.
    • To help you become an improved writer in some small way. 出于这个原因,你的充分参与和参与会议是必要的. 请不要期望导师会简单地告诉你要做什么改变. 

    一个典型的在线写作中心会议持续30分钟到一个小时,主要关注以下写作问题中的一两个, in order of priority:

    First-Order Concerns

    • Understanding an assignment
    • 理解/处理老师对草稿或评分论文的评论
    • Generating ideas on what to write about
    • Stating a thesis or clarifying overall purpose
    • Developing and/or organizing support paragraphs
    • 提高连贯性(句子和段落之间的联系)
    • Making sentences clear and easy to read the first time

    Late-Order Concerns

    • Identifying and correcting patterns of error
    • 解决风格问题,如冗长,不恰当的语气
    • Proofreading
    • Using source material appropriately and fairly; avoiding plagiarism
    • Documenting sources (MLA, APA, CBE, etc.)

    为了确保你的治疗尽可能有帮助, please do the following prior to your appointment:

    1. Plan. 想想你想在训练中完成什么.  列出一个清单,列出到目前为止你对工作的疑问.  在这一阶段,你关注的是上面列出的哪些写作问题? 如果您正在处理一阶(大局)问题并有疑问, plan to focus on one or two of those in your session. 
    2. 准备一份作业的副本和最新的草稿(或笔记) ready to share on your screen. 手头是否有任何可能对你的治疗有帮助的相关材料, including previous drafts, comments from peer review or instructor, notes from class, and sources that you will be using for the writing. 
    3. 如果你对任务不清楚,这通常是有帮助的 ask your instructor for clarification before you seek our help.  We can help you understand most assignments, 但有时全球网赌十大网站会鼓励你去找你的导师做进一步的解释, especially if we are not sure about what is required.
    4. Be prepared to schedule follow-up sessions. 一篇论文的一次会议可能不足以解决需要修改或编辑的每个领域.  在课程结束时,你应该对下一步要做什么有一个很好的想法.  给自己一些时间来完成草稿,然后把它带回来征求额外的反馈.
    5. Have paper on hand to 在会议期间跟踪修订和编辑需求. 当你独自工作时,这将对你有所帮助,也将帮助你决定是否安排另一个约会. You might want to record the session, or ask your tutor to record the session, so that you can go back to it.
  • How it Works

    During your writing session, we will:

    • 要求你们在课堂上以电子形式分享你们的作业和题目. 您可以使用Zoom的屏幕共享功能或上传文件附件到Zoom聊天区域;
    • 和你谈谈你的任务和它的要求.e. 长度、受众、目的、内容要求、组织要求、评价标准;
    • 寻求与你就如何将会议集中在一个或两个写作概念/目标上达成一致. 这可以通过询问你的写作计划来完成, 阅读几段作业,了解文章的哪些方面需要注意;
    • Read sections of your draft with you. We might read a few paragraphs silently, 或者全球网赌十大网站可能会让你大声朗读(这是一个很好的方法,让你听到你在草稿中忽略的东西——逻辑上的空白。, for example, 或句子不清晰或部分之间的联系模糊).
    • 问你一些关于你发起谈话的意思和意图的问题.
    • Point you to additional resources such as Purdue OWL.
    • Answer your questions.

Speaking Services

演讲服务为整个大学的本科生、研究生和教师提供帮助,帮助他们提高在LR和其他课程中的个人和小组演讲. Speaking Services can help you develop topics, locate sources, refine arguments, polish structure, thoughts and gain confidence in delivery.


  • Helping to understand your speaking assignment/purpose
  • Getting started with your speaking assignment
  • Developing and organizing your ideas
  • Polishing the style of your piece
  • Designing visual aids
  • Rehearsing your presentation

口语服务在BEAR Central提供面对面的辅导课程和虚拟辅导课程. If meeting remotely, 您将收到一个链接,在您预定的约会之前加入Zoom会议. 

Speaking Services also offers a large number of public speaking tip sheets and worksheets

Faculty may also request instructional support though our online request form. We offer a review of our services, 研讨会和教学支持,通过演讲服务主任讨论您的特定课堂作业的可用资源.