Provide Exceptional Experiences

Exceptional Experience



全球网赌十大网站必须创造和重新构想校园空间和规划,通过校园范围内的重点来吸引, engage, retain and graduate our students.

  • Student Transformation
    Residential Learning Communities


    Year 1 Highlights

    • Pilot program will launch this fall with a focus on First Generation Students, marketing materials are being collected
    • 其他潜在的项目包括领导力、服务和基于项目的机会

    Year 2 Highlights

    • 第一代学生项目开始了,在康拉德大厅建立了一个新的社区聚会空间,可以进行智力交流, community building and more.
    • Additional programs have been identified, including Outdoor Adventures and School Spirit, and one will launch each year for the next two years.
    • “住宿生活”网页已更新,以提供有关长者宿舍的资料 
    Cultural Event Series

    Establish the LR Cultural Event Series that encompasses all performances, guest speakers, exhibitions and showcase events for LR.

    Year 1 Highlights

    • 对最佳实践的研究以及对程序的自我审计已经完成,并对票务选择提出了建议, programming opportunities and needs will be presented


  • Retention Revenue
    Student Focus Organizational Structure


    Year 1 Highlights

    • Office of Student Success & 保留区现在直接向教务长汇报,并搬到了丹尼尔·雷恩大楼
    • Established The Graduate School to ensure that recruitment, programming and academic integrity seamlessly integrated with one another
    Comprehensive Early Intervention


    Year 1 Highlight

    • 建立了一个关怀团队,在挑战或危机时刻主动识别和吸引学生
  • Focus on Retention
    Transformation of First-Year Experiences


    Year 1 Highlights

    • Completed an institutional review and comparison of key data and FYE practices
    • 向校园介绍主要目标和发现,以收集反馈,准备一份报告,提交给适当的委员会
    Engaged Student Programming


    Year 1 Highlights

    • 在整个校园扩展项目,重点是将学生的需求与适当和充分的营销结合起来
    • 各地区正在共同努力,提供规划和最好地利用资源
  • Spaces that Attract & Engage
    Campus Master Plan


    Year 1 Highlights

    • A comprehensive Master Plan will be presented to the BOT in March
    • 规划的重点不仅在于新建和改造的建筑,还在于空间的利用

    Year 2 Highlights - Complete

    A comprehensive master plan was created and accepted. 这个计划的重点是创造新的空间,改造空间,并了解如何使用空间.

    Modernized Living Spaces


    Year 1 Highlights

    • 为所有学生投资了一个新的餐饮和休息区,重点是通勤人群
    • 整个校园外部建立照明系统,确保安全的氛围

News & Events

Chad Rimmer appears via Zoom on the large screen at Q&A session in Belk Centrum

Keeping the lines of communication open, the Rev Dr. Chad Rimmer回答了LTSS校友的问题,提供了有关即将搬迁的最新情况和清晰的信息.

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Carly York displays the cover of her book Queens of the Jungle

From the leading lion to a superhero octopus, biology professor Carly York, Ph.D., shares the animal kingdom's most amazing female species in her new book.

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