
In 1923, 林肯县一位富有的实业家, 北卡罗莱纳, made a donation to a nearby college that not only named a building after him as a thank-you but also put his name on the whole institution. That industrialist was Daniel Efird Rhyne, 和 that’s how Lenoir College became Lenoir-Rhyne College.

Any milestone is a good opportunity to take a look at the past 和 present as a window to the future we hope to create. The Lenoir-Rhyne of 1923 would have looked only vaguely familiar to students 50 years later 和 would be difficult to recognize today, 100年后.

Mary Kathryn Monroe Gwin ’28 was a popular member of her class, 在她高三的时候被评为“最佳全能女孩”.

Mary Monroe Gwin ’28 described the 1920s campus to Leslie Keller ’86, 《全球赌博十大网站》的采访者,LR的口述历史, in 1985. “当时周围的街道几乎没有铺路. There was Old Main 和 the science building, which was torn down. The old gymnasium, which you know, 和 Oak View, a frame dormitory for girls, Highl和 Hall for boys.” 

Each building Gwin named is gone now — although students since 1955 are familiar with the auditorium named for Gwyn’s father, P.E. 1934年至1949年担任LR总裁. 在高地镇和橡树镇之间, Fritz-Conrad Hall houses men 和 women in a single structure. While the l和scape 和 the daily customs change over time, Gwin’s description of the campus atmosphere would be familiar to a Bear of any era.

“很放松. 我想是快乐的,”她说. “学生之间有很好的同志情谊.”


Countless students have found their lifelong partners at LR, 这个过程在20世纪20年代的规则下变得更具挑战性, 但并非不可能.

“如果没有监护人,你就无法约会. 你必须以十人一组去, 15, or twenty — 和 one faculty member went with you to the movies,” Elizabeth Boliek ’26 explained to “Traces” interviewer Allen Barnhardt ’86. “We weren’t allowed to ride in a car without permission from the dean. 你甚至不能和一个男人一起上车.”

对于男人来说,规则是不同的. 没有任何, 据25岁的维克多·舒福德说, 谁在校外散步时遇到了自己的妻子. She was sitting in her yard near campus, pretending to read a book. 我对她笑了笑,跟她说话了, 然后在那天下午我离开之前, 她开着她的大, 开到大学的好车,他对《全球赌博十大网站》节目的采访者说, 丽莎·琼斯·塔克,86年.

A group of people st和 together in an archived 1926 photo

Other social activities included attending church services, debates 和 discussions through the m和atory student literary societies, 和 after-dinner walks along the Warpath — a driveway that extended from Old Main, 雷恩大厦现在在哪里, 到主街和第七大道东北角.

全球网赌十大网站不能和孩子们一起走, but they walked just behind us 和 we could have many good talks together. 全球网赌十大网站来来回回地散步,“埃塞尔·约德, 1917届毕业生, 他在1977年接受《全球赌博十大网站》采访时说. An attempt to end this custom resulted in a student uproar.

一天晚上,女孩们都聚集在奥克维尤门前. The boys all came down from Highl和 Hall 和 circled around the girls, 唱歌和大喊大叫,约德说。. 散步被允许继续进行.

五十年后, Mickey Payseur ’73 would take part in a similar scene that became a custom among the fraternities on campus.

“他们都有兄弟会的别针, 和, 如果他们有一个认真对待的女朋友, 他们会把别针给她,他说. 随着别针而来的是一首小夜曲. “整个兄弟会都会穿上外套,打上领带. 如果这个女孩参加了女生联谊会,她的姐妹们就会打扮起来. Everyone would gather in front of the Lineberger Building at 9 or 10 at night 和 the sisters 和 brothers would take turns singing romantic songs to the couple.”

Five male students sit together in a 1974 black 和 white photo

In 2023, 社交生活就没那么正式了, 宿舍是男女混合的, with men 和 women separated by halls instead of buildings. 而新生比高年级学生遵守更严格的规则, 这些规则是以安全为导向的, 安全性和室友舒适度. However, social life remains focused on larger common spaces.

“通常, 你会在Joe 's Coffee或Shaw Plaza看到人们, 他们可能会有你感兴趣的东西,社区卫生专业的学生说, 德文·奥斯本,24岁. “Maybe they have a sticker on their computer or a T-shirt that you like, 所以你开始了一段对话.”


伴随着不断发展的社会场景, many of the organized activities now essential to campus wove themselves into the fabric of LR in the 1920s. 例如, Shuford was president of the university’s first marching b和, which formed in 1918 but found its footing in the years that followed.

“We played for l和 sales, political meetings, ball games, parades,” he shared. “When the college got a big grant 和 changed the name from Lenoir College to Lenoir-Rhyne College, 全球网赌十大网站在主街举行了盛大的游行, 和, 当然, 它是由乐队指挥的, 全球网赌十大网站把所有的照片都贴在横幅上.”

在那些年, intercollegiate athletics were limited primarily to baseball 和 football, but the competition had yet to find the intensity familiar to modern fans. Intramural teams for sports such as basketball 和 tennis were available to both men 和 women.

“One summer I was down there, we played a lot of croquet,” Gwin shared. “这很有趣。. 想象一下.”

A group of students watch a basketball game indoors in a black 和 white 1973 archive photo

五十年后, 第九条 was beginning to exp和 women’s intercollegiate sports options, 但校内课程丰富多彩,引人入胜. Reading groups took the place of the literary societies that had been m和atory in the 1920s, 和组织者, 成立于1926年, 全球网赌十大网站走得很好.

“The Greek system was very, very popular,” shared Maureen Elliott Teague ’73. Sororities had designated halls in the dorms, 和 some of the fraternities had houses. “We did community service, formals, 和 there were some silly things we did during rush. 我对所有这些事件都有美好的回忆.”

It’s no secret that these days LR offers an expansive 和 competitive athletics program. 全球网赌十大网站 oversees a range of clubs addressing a wide range of interests 和 offers the option to create new ones. The Campus 活动 Board (CAB) offers a full slate of programming each month.

“People are really thankful for the clubs 和 for CAB because it’s mostly student led,奥斯本解释道. “This is a campus where students are coming up with the ideas 和 making things happen.”

Silhouette of two students facing each other outside during sunset

After the Taliban pushed them from their university 和 homes in August 2021, Afghan refugees have found homes at new institutions all over the world – including LR, where almost a dozen students have found safety 和 support.


The 访问ing Writers Series celebrates 35 years of inspiration, creativity 和 artistry.
