Director of Information Technology


资讯科技署署长将在发展过程中提供技术愿景和运作领导, 实施和管理勒努瓦-莱恩大学的信息技术资源,以支持学术质量, 项目发展, student success and administrative systems. 信息技术总监将提供卓越的通信能力, including clear and transparent information to other executives regarding costs, value and risk of current technologies and new IT projects.

信息技术主任将为教学技术领域建立监督和指导, 包括教室和计算机化实验室,并向教师和管理人员通报学术和学生服务技术的趋势和创新, investigate and respond to academic, student services and administrative technological needs, and identify business process improvement opportunities when possible. 资讯科技署署长就学习和学术科技的需要,保持跨大学的关注, such as how they may relate to course delivery options and classroom technologies.


  • 领导和全面管理大学的资讯科技策略计划, 预算, 政策, programs and schedules for business and finance processes, 计算机服务, 数据完整性和安全性, 网络通信和管理信息服务实现了大学的宗旨和目标.
  • Provide exceptional communication capabilities, including clear and transparent information regarding costs, value and risk of current technologies and new IT projects.
  • 与利益相关者合作制定战略和战术解决方案,以满足大学及其教职员工的需求, 教职员及学生.
  • 在评估将技术资源转移到云供应商环境方面发挥领导作用, 如果合适的话, managing the transition to the cloud.
  • Provide direction and oversight of Information Technology 工作人员, 操作, projects and issues resolution to meet department and university goals, 目标和需要.
  • Provide advice and coordination of all projects related to selection, 收购, development and 安装 of major information systems, ensuring appropriate investment in strategic and operational systems, and evaluate systems to measure their success.
  • 制定和管理学院的年度技术运营和资本预算, administrative and infrastructure technology.
  • Review all hardware and 软件 收购 and maintenance contracts, soliciting involvement and participation of other man年龄ment, 教师, 学生及教职员, 适当的.
  • 与校园社区合作,制定政策和标准,以最大限度地提高效率并降低与收购相关的成本, implementation and operation of IT systems.
  • Provide oversight for the university’s relationship, interactions and formal agreements with outsourced and hosted services providers.
  • Develop master purchase or lease agreements for hardware, 软件, maintenance and telecommunication services.
  • 与技术顾问和供应商保持联系,掌握最新技术, 设备, 价格和协议条款,以尽量减少所需的投资,以满足既定的服务水平.
  • Evaluate alternative technology solutions, 执行适当的成本效益分析,并建议解决方案,最大限度地提高效率,最大限度地降低与可接受风险相称的成本.
  • Serve as the primary contact for technology consultants, 合作伙伴和销售供应商, service and support of all information systems and technology.
  • 制定大学的IT安全策略和计划,以尽量减少大学的安全攻击风险. This includes ongoing security assessment, 雇用/承包CISO支持,实施和测试事件处理流程.
  • 监督最终用户支持服务和服务台操作的操作政策和流程, 包括提供培训.
  • 评估现有技术, 信息系统和人员配置, 研究新的解决方案和技术,并在分析其对所有用户需求的影响的基础上提出变更建议,以支持大学的目标和宗旨.
  • 监督政策和程序的发展和执行,以保护IT资产和完整性, security and privacy of information entrusted to or maintained by the university.
  • 支持和的分析, 如果需要, the replacement of key administrative systems, 在适当的时候.
  • 确保所有信息系统和网络按照内部标准运行, external accrediting 年龄ncy standards, regulatory 年龄ncies and legal requirements.
  • 与VPBF和其他大学领导合作,维护一个健全和全面的IT治理结构,以确保聚会, 处理, 及时分发和使用所需的相关信息以做出决策, accurate and cost-effective manner.
  • 在发生电源故障、系统损坏等情况时,监督系统恢复计划的维护. 指导和促进任何系统故障的纠正,包括根本原因分析.
  • 确保适当的员工发展和培训,以配合大学的科技需求,并在资讯科技领域建立服务文化.
  • Perform other duties as assigned by VPBF and other university executives


  • Preferred bachelor's degree in Computer Science, 计算机工程, 工商管理, 公共管理或相关领域,至少7年的信息系统和信息技术管理和支持工作经验; 
  • Requisite job experience and certifications to replace a bachelor’s degree, 包括至少15年的信息技术行业总工作经验.


  • Direct man年龄ment of a major IT operation.
  • Experience in strategic planning and execution.
  • Experience in a higher education setting, 特别是在信息技术系统规划中,以支持包括共享和外包解决方案在内的业务目标, as well as support of in-house information and communication systems, 招收和保留学生, learning technologies and direct IT support services for 学生, 教师 and 工作人员 at three locations and online.


  • Business principles and techniques of administration, 组织和管理包括对教育行业中存在的关键业务问题的深入理解. 这些包括, 但不限于, knowledge of strategic and operational planning, 联邦, 州和地方法律.
  • 信息技术方法, 程序, business processes and their interrelationship in a higher education environment.
  • Systems design and development process, 包括需求分析, 可行性研究, 软件设计, 编程, 引导测试, 安装, evaluation and operational man年龄ment.
  • 业务流程分析和重新设计,因为它涉及到教学和管理技术和电信.
  • Design, man年龄ment and operation of IT systems in a higher education environment.
  • Learning Man年龄ment Systems (LMS) and support services.
  • Change man年龄ment principles and practices.
  • Desktop, notebook, handheld and server computer hardware.
  • Local and wide area network design, implementation and operation.
  • Operating systems such as Windows and Linux.
  • Various office productivity 软件 programs include word 处理, 数据库, spreadsheet programs and communications 软件.
  • 各种计算机外围设备,如打印机、显示器、调制解调器和其他设备.


  • Work with a diverse campus community, help build a welcoming and inclusive environment, and provide services in an equitable manner.
  • 建立并维护与大学各阶层的合作关系.
  • Plan, implement and support systems in a complex education environment.
  • Plan, man年龄 and prioritize projects and other related activities.
  • Man年龄 and lead 工作人员, projects and teams.
  • Comprehend complex, technical subjects.
  • Translate technical langu年龄 to various audiences.
  • Align and apply complex technologies to business strategies.
  • Prepare and man年龄 department budget.
  • Negotiate with vendors, 承包商 and others.
  • 管理机构和教学之间的技术相互依赖关系, student services and support functions.
  • 激励, 教育和促进团队在紧迫的时间框架内生产高质量的材料,同时管理多个项目.
  • Analyze and resolve complex issues, both logical and interpersonal.
  • Communicate effectively both verbally and in writing.
  • 协商并化解冲突.
  • 在完成工作和解决问题时表现出灵活性和创造性.


Interested candidates should submit a cover letter, 重新开始, 以及Jeremy Shreve(商业和财务副总裁)的三个专业推荐信 杰里米 2024年4月30日.

报告: Vice President for Business and Finance (VPBF)

Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity Policy

Lenoir-Rhyne University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, 国家的起源, 公民身份, 宗教, 政治面貌, 年龄, 婚姻状况, 性, gender (including gender identity and expression), 性取向, 残疾状态, 遗传学, 怀孕或退伍.

勒努瓦-莱恩的非歧视和平等机会政策延伸到就业的各个方面, including but not limited to recruitment, 招聘, 培训, 促销活动, 转移, 重新分配, 降级, 纪律, 放电, 业绩评估, compensation and benefits as well as the education setting. Lenoir-Rhyne is committed to providing an environment that promotes diversity, 股本, 包容, 以及教职员工的归属, 工作人员, 学生, 承包商, 义工及访客. 勒努瓦-雷恩大学是一个机会均等的雇主,致力于为所有员工创造一个包容的环境. We welcome applications from candidates of all backgrounds and experiences.


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允许的类型:pdf, doc, docx.
Including name, current position, email, address and phone number. 
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