Student Records Coordinator

位置: Hickory, 北卡罗莱纳 

学生档案协调员在勒努瓦-雷恩大学注册办公室的日常运作和管理中起着关键作用, 确保完整性, accuracy and confidentiality of student academic records.This position oversees the comprehensive maintenance, review and approval of all aspects of student records including schedules, transcripts and graduation requirements.

As a mission-critical unit, 注册处力求维护机构的诚信,并通过严格遵守保密和合规规定来提供出色的服务. 学生档案协调员通过实施有效运作的程序,为特派团作出贡献, handling special projects and maintaining regulatory compliance for all student records. 该职位是与学生档案有关的所有事务的功能和技术监督员, 注册和学位认证,并负责确保遵守大学的政策和程序,以及遵守退伍军人事务和NCAA的外部规定.

多样性、股票 and 包容

多样性, 公平和包容是大学致力于卓越参与和教育的组成部分. 全球网赌十大网站对那些通过培养包容性环境等活动展现出参与多样性和公平性经验的候选人特别感兴趣, 与来自不同背景的教师和/或学生一起工作,并/或在他们目前或以前的职位上融入不同的观点.

Description of Responsibilities, Duties and Tasks

Student Records Management

  • Maintain the accuracy of data in student records modules and other systems.
  • Complete and disseminate student academic audits for progress toward graduation, NCAA eligibility and Veterans Affairs certification.
  • Process student records change requests to include change of program, course drop/add/withdrawal, 课程替换, transfer course approval, 信贷清晰度, university withdrawal and other requests.
  • 编写、编辑和传播复杂的报告,管理数据的核对和纠错.
  • Assist in developing and implementing comprehensive student data file review procedures.
  • 提供优质的客户服务,同时保持学生记录的保密性和准确性.
  • Respond to inquiries regarding academic standing and enrollment verification.
  • Process requests for official/unofficial transcripts.

Veteran Affairs Certification

  • 协助国家认证官员(SCO)为退伍军人和他们的受抚养学生提供教育计划细节方面的建议和协助, eligibility and enrollment processes.
  • 协助国家认证官员(SCO)进行全球赌博十大网站认证,监控学生的VA合规性进展,并报告影响学生获得VA福利资格的状态变化.
  • 作为退伍军人事务部,国防部和国家审批机构的联络人.
  • 确保符合VA在学费/费用认证方面的规定,并处理全球赌博十大网站变更.

Academic and Athletic Compliance

  • 协助副注册员开发和维护系统,以监控和认证学生运动员.
  • 协助为学生运动员提供准确和一致的NCAA学术资格文件.
  • 与助理体育主管合作,确保遵守NCAA的规定.
  • 审核和监督学生运动员的全球赌博十大网站状况、学业进展和资格标准.
  • 在重大变动、成绩变动、转学评估等方面,作为体育项目的联络点.


  • Process articulation requests in a timely manner.
  • Assist with reviewing articulation tables on a regular basis.

Customer and Interdepartmental 服务

  • Greet and provide guidance to visitors and callers, providing accurate information or referrals to other departments, 根据需要.
  • 为大学员工和院系提供支持和指导,以明确学位要求和大学政策.
  • 参与团队会议和与大学各部门同事的合作项目.

Event Participation and Representation

  • Represent the 注册商’s Office at university commencement ceremonies, campus events related to military service and other events 根据需要.

知识, 技能 and 能力


  • Academic Policies and Regulations: understanding of university academic policies, NCAA规章, VA regulations and federal laws such as FERPA.
  • Record-Keeping Systems: familiarity with student information systems (e.g., PowerCAMPUS, Banner, Colleague) and document management systems.
  • Veterans’ Benefits and Education Programs: comprehensive knowledge of VA benefits, 为退伍军人及其家属提供的军事学费援助计划和特殊教育计划.
  • Data Management: proficiency in managing, analyzing and reporting data to ensure compliance and to support decision-making processes.
  • 合规和监管监督:能够跟上不断变化的法规,并确保遵守所有学术规定, 状态, federal and NCAA guidelines.


  • Organizational and Administrative 技能: ability to manage multiple tasks, organize records efficiently and maintain meticulous attention to detail.
  • 沟通能力:较强的书面和口头沟通能力,与学生有效互动, 教师, 退伍军人和工作人员. 这包括清晰简洁地解释复杂法规和政策的能力.
  • Technical 技能: competence in using various databases and software for record-keeping, 报告和审计. 熟练使用微软办公软件和任何与学生档案或退伍军人服务相关的专业软件. Ability to learn new technologies and adapt technology to office needs.
  • Problem-Solving 技能: ability to identify issues, analyze problems and develop logical, 可行的解决方案, particularly in situations involving student records or compliance issues.


  • 谨慎和保密:必须按照法律和制度标准完整和保密地处理敏感信息.
  • 人际交往能力:能够与不同的人建立积极的关系, 包括学生, 退伍军人, 教师 and administrative staff.
  • Adaptability and Flexibility: ability to adapt to changes in workload, timelines or job requirements, and flexibility in handling unexpected situations.
  • 客户服务:专注于为所有利益相关者提供优质的服务,确保他们的询问和关注得到及时有效的解决.

Minimum Qualifications

  • 地区认可机构的学士学位或5年行政工作经验.
  • Exceptional computer skills.
  • Exceptional written and oral communication skills.
  • Excellent planning, organizational and problem-solving skills.
  • Ability to make arithmetic computations and tabulations accurately.
  • 知识 of modern office practices, procedures and equipment.

Preferred Qualifications

  • 知识 of VA educational benefits and 状态 and local veteran’s programs.
  • 知识 of NCAA规章 regarding student-athlete progress towards degree.
  • 有高等教育工作经验,特别是在教务处或学术咨询部门工作经验.
  • Experience with student information systems (SIS).


申请审查将于2024年6月1日开始,一直持续到该职位被填补为止. An application packet must include the following:

  • Letter of application specifically addressing the position description, your qualifications and how you have supported diversity, 你现在和以前的职位是否公平和包容,以及你打算如何在勒努瓦-莱恩大学工作.
  • 一份简历.
  • A list of three professional references, 包括名字, 当前位置, 电子邮件, address and phone number.

大学的使命,愿景和价值观声明可以在大学的网站上进行审查 关于 页面. 任何关于职位或招聘过程的问题都可以通过电子邮件发送给米歇尔 Neary, 临时注册, at 米歇尔

关于 Lenoir-Rhyne University

Lenoir-Rhyne University is a co-educational, private masters comprehensive liberal arts institution founded in 1891, with its traditional campus located in Hickory, 北卡罗莱纳, 一个有40多人的小镇,000. The university has instructional sites in Asheville, NC, 和哥伦比亚, SC, which include the Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary (LTSS). Situated in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, Lenoir-Rhyne is less than an hour’s drive from Charlotte, 而希克里-勒诺瓦-摩根顿大都会统计区人口约为365人,000. 该大学目前为大约2400名学生提供50多个本科和30个研究生学位课程. Lenoir-Rhyne University seeks to liberate mind and spirit, 澄清个人信仰, foster physical wholeness, build community and promote responsible leadership for service worldwide. Affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), 勒努瓦-雷恩提倡多元化的校园,向所有宗教和非宗教背景的人开放. 请浏览全球网赌十大网站关于 页面 to learn more about the university.


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