
Web内容可访问性指南(WCAG.1 provide detailed information about standards for presenting accessible content.

As set forth by WCAG, web content should adhere to these principles:

  • 一定是 可感知的,无论是单独还是通过辅助技术.
  • 一定是 可操作的 所有人, 包括那些使用辅助技术或有视觉障碍的人, 听力, 运动或其他损伤.
  • 它必须是可读的和 可以理解的,网站应该以可预测的方式运行.
  • 一定是 健壮的、 即使通过各种辅助技术访问.

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) publishes detailed Web Content 可访问性 Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 它概述了网站如何满足这些原则.

Listed below are some common accessibility issues that are found with websites. We recommend you consult this list as you review websites for accessibility compliance.


Each webpage must have a default language attribute declared in the HTML, e.g., or more specifically . This information helps search engines return language-specific results and it is also used by screen readers that switch language profiles to provide the correct accent and pronunciation. 了解更多有关 网页语言声明.


所有网页必须有独特的页面标题. 页面标题显示在浏览器选项卡或窗口中, 显示在搜索引擎结果中, 用于页面书签/收藏夹和屏幕阅读器大声朗读.

The title tag is an HTML element that specifies the title of a webpage in the section of HTML, e.g., "关于 Us – Lenoir-Rhyne University". 当页面标题为空白时, the URL is listed in the browser tab or window and read aloud by screen readers. Review all pages on a website to determine that a page title is present and unique in each instance. 了解更多有关 网页标题要求.


Alternate text (alt text) provides a description of what can be seen in a image. Alternate text should be meaningful and descriptive so it can be understood by the visually impaired using screen readers and other assistive technologies–people who do not see the image, 但需要知道它的意义或目的. 所有文本由屏幕阅读器大声朗读. 了解更多关于 图像的替代文本描述.

Automated accessibility scans using tools like WAVE can tell you if alt text is missing, 而是确定替代文本是否合适, 你需要看到图像,并在上下文中做出判断. 简单地使用“pic”,“myphoto”,“img7865”等. 作为Alt文本将通过自动测试,但不通过手动审查.

搜索 engines like Google also index images based on what is found in the alternate text attribute.

请注意: Using alt text which duplicates link text in the same link or the following link results in screen readers stuttering as the same text is read out twice. 在编写所有文本描述时避免这种重复.

标题1 & 结构合理的标题

All webpages should have a 标题1 or

. This also impacts SEO as search engines like Google use this information in search. There is only one

per page. After an

tag, pages should have a proper hierarchy of heading tags with

tags appearing below a single


appearing below an

, and an

appearing below an

. Headings that are out of order are flagged as an accessibility error. 像WAVE这样的辅助工具可以识别页面上的所有标题. 了解更多关于 用标题构建网页.


Skip Links like "Skip to Main Content" allow visitors using screen readers to skip over redundant content on a webpage, e.g.,跳过导航以访问页面的主要内容. 此功能应该在所有网页上都存在并工作. 了解更多关于 绕过块并跳转到链接.


All webpages and their content must be fully navigable and 可操作的 using only 键盘控制和快捷键. This includes accessing all navigational links and content on a page as well links in dropdown menus, 表单字段, 等. 了解更多关于 使用键盘控制浏览网站.


关注的指标 are clear on-screen highlights or outlines of interactive elements on a webpage, 包括链接, 按钮, 表单字段, 工具提示, 等. For any element on a page that you can interact with using a mouse, you should also be able to use a keyboard to perform the same actions and this interaction should show visible focus.


All 表单字段 must have corresponding labels and form submission errors must be clear and accessible. Form fields that do not have corresponding labels do not provide a description noting the purpose of the field. 了解有关提供适当服务的更多信息 表格标签和说明.


使用CSS将文本与图像分开. Including text as part of images presents issues not only for the visually impaired, but those using screen magnifiers to view webpages as well as those who are dyslexic or have other cognitive disabilities. 学习如何 避免将图像显示为文本.

表用于显示表格数据. 数据单元格中的内容与标题和行相关联. 在适当的地方使用数据表标题和摘要. 学习如何 创建可访问的表.


所有预先录制的视频必须有字幕 before they appear on Lenoir-Rhyne websites or associated social media websites, e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Vimeo等.


所有发布 音频文件必须有文本记录 供听力受损人士使用. 这包括音频播客的文本.


链接提示“点击这里”,”“在这里,阅读更多," "learn more" and other similar ones are not descriptive enough since all links are read aloud by screen readers without context. These kinds of links should be avoided as they are flagged as an accessibility error. 例如,与其说“注册参加活动”, 点击这里,使用更具描述性的链接,如“访问全球网赌十大网站的日历到…… 买这场演出的票. 了解更多有关 链路用途要求.


Avoid posting URLs as text in webpages since these URL links are read aloud by screen readers. For example, instead of saying”,访问 全球赌博十大网站和经济资助 at http://mywvc.taxidalat24h.net/admission 欲索取更多资料," you should link the descriptive words or phrases, e.g.”,访问 全球赌博十大网站和经济资助 欲索取更多资料.“学习如何 避免将url作为链接发布.

对比 & Color

For both webpages and document attachments there must be sufficient contrast between the text and the background. 大多数文本的对比度不应低于4.5:1, and large text (larger than 18-point or 14-point bold) should have a contrast ratio no less than 3:1. Elements with background images must have a background color defined that provides adequate contrast when images are disabled or unavailable.

If a person without any visual disabilities finds a document hard to view because of poor contrast, in all likelihood the document will also be hard to view for those with some kind of visual impairment like low vision or color blindness.

文件附件 & 文档

All PDFs, Microsoft Office documents (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, 等.)也必须符合无障碍要求. The newest versions of Microsoft Office for Windows and Mac have built-in accessibility checkers.

Adobe Acrobat DC has a built-in accessibility checker and accessibility reporting tool. Listed below are common checkpoints to look for when evaluating accessibility compliance in PDF files.

  • 填充所有文档属性
  • 选择要显示的文档标题
  • 英语被设定为语言
  • All images have alternate text descriptions, purely decorative elements are hidden
  • 文档在整个过程中都有适当的标记
  • 指定逻辑读取顺序
  • 在整个文档中应用适当的标题
  • 对可能的对比问题进行手动检查

任何扫描的文件都不应该发布到网站上.e.,从复印机扫描或输出/打印为PDF格式的文件. 文件应从原始源文件保存为PDF文件. 如果你只有一份文件的扫描版本, 例如档案文件, then optical character recognition or OCR must be used in Adobe Acrobat DC as well as the other accessibility requirements noted above. 了解 文档可访问性.
