

The 资讯科技署署长 will provide technology vision and operational leadership in the development, implementation and man年龄ment of Lenoir-Ryne University's information technology resources to support academic quality, 项目发展, 学生成功和管理系统. The 资讯科技署署长 will provide exceptional communication capabilities, 向其他高管提供有关成本的清晰透明的信息, 当前技术和新IT项目的价值和风险.

The 资讯科技署署长 will establish oversight and direction for the instructional technology landscape, including classrooms and computerized labs and inform 教师 and administration about trends and innovations in academic and student services’ technologies, 调查和回应学术, 学生服务和行政技术需求, 并在可能的情况下识别业务流程改进机会. The 资讯科技署署长 maintains a cross-university focus regarding learning and academic technology needs, such as how they may relate to course delivery options and classroom technologies.


  • Provide leadership and overall man年龄ment for the university’s information technology strategic plans, 预算, 政策, 业务和财务流程的计划和时间表, 计算机服务, 数据完整性和安全性, network communications and man年龄ment information services to accomplish the university’s goals and objectives.
  • 提供卓越的通信能力, 包括清晰透明的成本信息, 当前技术和新IT项目的价值和风险.
  • Partner with stakeholders to develop strategic and tactical solutions to meet the needs of the university and its 教师, 教职员及学生.
  • Provide leadership in evaluating moving technology resources to cloud vendor environment and, 如果合适的话, 管理向云的过渡.
  • 为信息技术人员提供指导和监督, 操作, 解决项目和问题以达到部门和大学的目标, 目标和需要.
  • 提供建议和协调所有与选择相关的项目, 收购, 开发和安装主要的信息系统, 确保对战略和操作系统进行适当的投资, 并评估系统来衡量它们的成功.
  • Develop and man年龄 the annual technology operating and capital 预算 for academic, 管理和基础设施技术.
  • 审查所有硬件和软件的采购和维护合同, 征求其他管理人员的参与, 教师, 学生及教职员, 适当的.
  • Collaborate with the campus community on the development of 政策 and standards aimed at maximizing effectiveness and minimizing costs related to the 收购, 资讯科技系统的实施及运作.
  • 监督学校的关系, 与外包和托管服务提供商的交互和正式协议.
  • 制定硬件总采购或租赁协议, 软件, 维修及电讯服务.
  • Maintain contact with technology consultants and suppliers and maintain knowledge of current technology, 设备, prices and terms of agreements to minimize the investment required to meet established service levels.
  • 评估替代技术解决方案, perform appropriate cost benefit analysis and recommend solutions that maximize effectiveness and minimize costs commensurate with acceptable risks.
  • 作为技术顾问的主要联系人, 合作伙伴和销售供应商, 所有信息系统和技术的服务和支持.
  • Develop a university IT security strategy and plan to minimize the university’s risk from security attacks. 这包括正在进行的安全评估, 招聘/contracting CISO support and implementing and testing incident handling processes.
  • Oversee operating 政策 and processes for end-user support services and help desk 操作, 包括提供培训.
  • 评估现有技术, 信息系统和人员配置, research new solutions and technologies and recommend changes based on analysis of their impact to all user requirements in support of the university’s goals and objectives.
  • Oversee development and enforcement of policy and 程序 to protect IT assets and the integrity, 大学委托或维护的信息的安全和隐私.
  • 支持和的分析, 如果需要, 主要管理制度的更新, 在适当的时候.
  • Ensure that all information systems and networks operate according to internal standards, 外部认证机构标准, 监管机构和法律要求.
  • Work with the VPBF and other university leadership to maintain a robust and comprehensive IT Governance structure to ensure that the gathering, 处理, distribution and use of pertinent information as required to make decisions occurs in a timely, 准确、经济高效的方式.
  • Oversee maintenance of a system recovery plan in the event of power failure, dam年龄 to system, etc. Direct and facilitate correction of any system failures and including root cause analysis.
  • Assure proper and appropriate 工作人员 development and 培训 to match the technology needs of the university and to build a culture of service within IT.
  • 完成VPBF和其他学校领导分配的其他任务


  • 计算机科学学士学位优先, 计算机工程, 工商管理, Public Administration or a related field and a minimum of seven years of experience with increasing responsibilities for man年龄ment and support of information systems and information technology; 
  • 必要的工作经验和证书,以取代学士学位, including at least 15 years of total working experience in the information technology industry.


  • 直接管理主要的IT运营.
  • 有战略规划和执行经验.
  • 有高等教育背景的工作经验, specifically in information technology systems planning to support business goals including exposure to both shared and outsourced solutions, 以及内部信息和通信系统的支持, 招收和保留学生, 学习技术和直接为学生提供IT支持服务, 教师和工作人员在三个地点和在线.


  • 商业原则和管理技巧, organization and man年龄ment to include an in-depth understanding of the key business issues that exist in the education industry. 这些包括, 但不限于, 了解战略和运营计划, 联邦, 州和地方法律.
  • 信息技术方法, 程序, 高等教育环境中的业务流程及其相互关系.
  • 系统设计和开发过程, 包括需求分析, 可行性研究, 软件设计, 编程, 引导测试, 安装, 评价与运营管理.
  • Business process analysis and redesign as it relates to instructional and administrative technology and telecommunication.
  • 在高等教育环境中设计、管理和操作IT系统.
  • 学习管理系统(LMS)和支持服务.
  • 改变管理原则和实践.
  • 台式电脑、笔记本电脑、掌上电脑和服务器电脑硬件.
  • 局域网和广域网的设计、实施和运行.
  • Windows、Linux等操作系统.
  • 各种办公生产力软件程序包括文字处理, 数据库, 电子表格程序和通讯软件.
  • Various computer peripherals such as printers, monitors, modems and other 设备.


  • 与多元化的校园社区合作, 帮助建立一个友好和包容的环境, 公平地提供服务.
  • Build and maintain cooperative relationships with all levels of the University community.
  • 在复杂的教育环境中规划、实施和支持系统.
  • 计划,管理和优先安排项目和其他相关活动.
  • 管理和领导员工、项目和团队.
  • 理解复杂的、技术性的主题.
  • 将技术语言翻译给不同的受众.
  • 将复杂的技术应用到商业战略中.
  • 编制和管理部门预算.
  • 与供应商,承包商和其他人进行谈判.
  • Man年龄 the technological interdependencies between the institution and instruction, 学生服务和支持功能.
  • 激励, educate and facilitate teams to produce quality materials within tight timeframes and simultaneously man年龄 several projects.
  • 分析和解决复杂问题,包括逻辑和人际关系.
  • 有效的口头和书面沟通.
  • 协商并化解冲突.
  • 在完成工作和解决问题时表现出灵活性和创造性.


感兴趣的候选人应提交求职信, 重新开始, and a list of three professional references to Jeremy Shreve (Vice President for Business and Finance) at 杰里米.shreve@taxidalat24h.net 2024年4月30日.



勒努瓦-雷恩大学不以种族为基础进行歧视, color, 国家的起源, 公民身份, 宗教, 政治面貌, 年龄, 婚姻状况, 性, 性别(包括性别认同和表达), 性取向, 残疾状态, 遗传学, 怀孕或退伍.

Lenoir-Rhyne’s 非歧视和平等机会政策 extends to all aspects of employment, 包括但不限于招聘, 招聘, 培训, 促销活动, 转移, 重新分配, 降级, 纪律, 放电, 业绩评估, 薪酬和福利以及教育环境. 勒努瓦-莱恩致力于提供一个促进多样性的环境, 股本, 包容, 以及教职员工的归属, 工作人员, 学生, 承包商, 义工及访客. Lenoir-Rhyne University is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees. 全球网赌十大网站欢迎各种背景和经验的候选人申请.


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