
Lenoir-Rhyne public safety officers assist all members of the campus community in emergency situations while making every effort to provide for their safety.

Public safety officers also have the responsibility for the protection of university property and the enforcement of all traffic rules and regulations of the university. 没有逮捕权,也不携带武器, the public safety officer works closely with all local law enforcement agencies and has a partnership with the Hickory Police Department.

当地执法机构定期在邻近街道巡逻, 有时参观校园, 并随时提供协助校园安全需要时.


而公共安全官员则努力使校园成为一个安全的生活和工作场所, 他们要求在任何时候提供援助和合作. 可疑的行为或个人应立即向警察报告.

Individuals should take responsibility for their own safety by taking caution while on- or off-campus. Accurate and prompt reporting of all crimes or potential problems is strongly encouraged.

  • 预防罪案贴士

    Lenoir-Rhyne University provides crime prevention programs that are available throughout the year. 这些程序提供洞察力,以保持您和您的财产安全. 主题通常包括但不限于:

    • 消防安全
    • 宿舍安全
    • 车辆安全
    • 对酒精和毒品的认识
    • 性侵犯意识
    • 个人安全
    • 海外安全意识
    • 24小时陪同服务
  • 校园设施 & 开放校园条例

    The university is an open campus and all buildings except residence halls are accessible to anyone during normal hours of operation. 每天晚上,值班的保安人员会把校园大楼的外门锁上. The officer also notes maintenance concerns regarding locks and other security hardware and reports them as soon as possible.

    宿舍通道由钥匙、密码和/或电子卡控制. Each residence hall room has a separate lock with keys issued only to the room's current resident(s).

    公共安全办公室也可应要求提供护送服务. 这项服务仅限于校园, 当地医疗设施或药房,每天24小时提供服务.

    公共安全部门提供的额外服务是机动车辆援助, 失物招领和预防犯罪项目.

    Proper exterior lighting is an important part of the university's commitment to campus security and safety. 停车场, walkways and building exteriors are well lit and are checked regularly by the security officers.

    校园内的灌木、树木和其他植被都会定期修剪. 公共安全官员定期检查校园的安全和安全问题. 发现的任何问题都报告给适当的部门。.

  • 药物 & 酒精滥用

    大学尊重并执行北卡罗莱纳州的法律,并已 附加规则和准则 与毒品和酒精的销售和使用有关. 非法使用毒品可能会导致停学或开除.

    Violations of alcohol policies are confronted through a graduated set of responses and sanctions, which are designed to assist the student in addressing problems and inappropriate behaviors.

  • 紧急电话

    Emergency telephones are located in the vicinity of the main entrance to all residence halls. There is also an emergency phone at the entrance to 7th Avenue parking lot and in the football stadium parking lot.

    All emergency telephones will give the caller direct access to the public safety officer on duty and will permit the caller to dial 911.

  • 火警 & 消防设备

    根据北卡罗来纳法规第14-286条, it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to wantonly and willfully give or cause to be given, 或者建议, 法律顾问, 或帮助或教唆任何人给予, 虚报火警, 或者打碎玻璃钥匙保护器, 或者拉动滑臂, 或任何车站的杠杆或任何火警系统的信号箱,但发生火警的情况除外, or willfully misuse or 损害 a portable fire extinguisher or in any way willfully interfere with, 损害, 破坏, 骚扰或损坏火警报警器的任何部分或部分, 火警探测, 烟雾探测或灭火系统.

    Any person violating any of these provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not exceeding $500 and/or imprisonment for not more than six months. 学生也将受到学校官员的处分.

  • 及时的警告

    Lenoir-Rhyne University recognizes that the campus community needs to be advised of situations that may occur that pose a serious and/or ongoing threat to students or employees.

    在这种情况下, 校园社区将通过语音邮件通知, 电子邮件, 校园邮件和/或传单张贴和在校园内分发.

  • 非法侵入

    The university reserves the right to issue a "No 非法侵入" order to any person whose presence is deemed unsuitable.


  • 不正当的性行为

    勒努瓦-雷恩大学赞助预防, intervention and education programs specifically addressing all forms of sexual misconduct, 包括性侵犯, 约会暴力, 家庭暴力, 跟踪, 性剥削, 还有性骚扰. The college recognizes the importance of assisting students who are victims of sexual misconduct and helping them to regain a sense of personal control over their lives and the decisions they make.

    有关勒努瓦-莱恩政策的更多信息, procedures and programming for sexual misconduct in response to 第九条 and Campus SAVE, 参观 第九条网站.


    • 去一个安全的地方.
    • 不淋浴或洗澡.
    • 如果可能,不要小便.
    • 如果发生口腔接触,不吃、不喝、不抽烟、不刷牙.
    • 不要破坏或洗你穿的衣服. 如果你要换衣服,把衣服放在纸袋里.
    • 联系住校主任, 住宿生活主管, 教务长, 第九条协调员, 公共安全主任及/或山胡桃警察局.
    • 就医.

    Victims of sexual assault are encouraged to file a report with the public safety office and the Hickory Police Department. The filing of a report does not obligate the victim to pursue charges if he/she does not want to pursue them, but does make filing of charges easier if the victim changes his/her mind at a later date. 遵循上述建议将确保证据的保存.

    性侵受害者可以选择大学系统, 刑事起诉和民事诉讼. Lenoir-Rhyne University will assist the victim in pursuing whichever option(s) the victim chooses. The university system and the criminal courts are independent systems; charges may be filed in either or both systems.

    If you are assaulted and do not want to pursue action with the university or the criminal justice system, 你可以考虑匿名举报. 如果你允许的话, 法律顾问ing services can file a report on the details of the incident without revealing your identity.

    The purpose of an anonymous report is to comply with your wish to keep the matter confidential while taking steps to ensure the future safety of yourself and others. 有了这些信息, the university can keep accurate records about the number of incidents involving students; deter我的 where there is a pattern of assaults with regard to a particular location, 方法, or assailant; and alert the campus community to potential danger.


    • 第九条协调员- 828.328.7040
    • 全球网赌十大网站主任- 828.328.7246
    • 咨询服务办公室- 828.328.7252
    • 学生健康中心- 828.328.7181
    • 大学公共安全- 828.328.7146(24小时)
    • 家庭指导中心- 929.322.1400
    • 危机热线- 828.228.1787
    • 校园牧师- 828.328.7248
    • 山胡桃警察局- 828.328.5551 or 911

    如果你是不当性行为的受害者, the 教务长 and 第九条协调员 can assist you with any academic or living situations if changes are requested and are reasonably available.

  • 校园武器

    North Carolina law explicitly forbids possession of certain weapons on any property owned, 由教育机构使用或经营的.

    总则14-269.第2条将下列列为非法武器:任何枪支, 步枪, 炸药, 墨盒, 炸弹, 手榴弹, 我的, 强大的爆炸, 鲍伊刀, 21点, 金属关节, 或者其他类似的武器. (Fishing and hunting knives and any other knives not classified as pocketknives or penknives are included.)

    Persons found responsible for possession of the above, will be turned over to a criminal court. 大学官员可能会采取额外的行动.

  • 北卡罗来纳公共安全部

    Federal Law requires universities to provide access to research the possibility of known 登记性犯罪者 在该地区.